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The RTC (= real time clock) can be synchronized with the ZDA sentence of a GPS receiver:


   RtcSync = 1

   RtcSyncTimeWindow = 0

   RtcSyncPeriod = 86400


where RtcSync enables the synchronization if not null, and RtcSyncTimeWindow is the allowed absolute time difference between RTC and GPS time in seconds to skip the synchronization. The TimeSync signal can be used to observe the synchronization. Note that a synchronization will only occur at most once after a power cycle (if RtcSyncPeriod is 0).


Note, that a value of RtcSync = 2 also waits until a GPS fix value exists before enabling synchronization. This property works for a minimum version SICOLOG V1.42.


RtcSyncPeriod is only available for at least SICOLOG V1.43. It is the duration in seconds after a time sync, or after loading a new configuration, when the synchronization is repeated. RtcSyncPeriod=0 turns the repetition off. The TimeSync signal will be incremented each time a synchronization was successful and skip an increment to 0 (and use 1 instead).


Minimum required versions: SICOLOG V1.0.37 / TEMES V1.0.85